Horses Riding Placemat TT
A horse is a large plant-eating domesticated mammal with solid hoofs and a flowing mane and tail, often used for riding, racing, and to carry and pull loads. Use Tot Talk's "Horses and Riding" placemat to learn more about the horse, the different breeds, and how to correctly measure a horse. Learn what a female, male and young horse are called. On the back side, you may learn the differences between English and Western riding styles and how you tie up a horse. Get a rope and practice yourself! Giddyup! Recommended age: 4 - 100+.
Tot Talk Placemats are:
• Safety-Approved
• Award Winning
• Anti-bacterial - Wash with dish soap; placemats dry quickly
• Used in homes, schools and on the go, traveling or in a restaurant
• Lightweight and durable
• Dimensions: 17.5" x 11.5"